
See everything that is happening around campus.

Academic Calendar 

Find important dates and deadlines, including add/drop deadlines, refund and tuition payment deadlines. 

OSE Events 

TCC's Office of Student Engagement has planned lots of great activities for spring quarter! Check the OSE Event Calendar and the OSE Events & Activities Page for updates! 

Snack & Study with the Tutors! 

picture of popcorn and the study schedule for march 13, 10a-4p in the BEC, March 14, 10a - 6p in the MARC, and March 15, 10a - 3p in the WTC

Need help studying for finals, or with a final paper or project? Bring what you're working on to the Tutoring Centers. We'll provide the tutors & snacks! 

Wednesday, March 13: Business Education Center (BEC) in 16-308, 10a -4p

Thursday, March 14: Math Advising Resource Center (MARC) in 19-22, 10a - 6p 

Friday, March 15: Writing & Tutoring Center (WTC) in 7-221 (upstairs from the Library), 10a - 3p 


Apply for TCC Foundation Scholarships! 

If you're planning to be at TCC during the 2024-25 academic year, we encourage you to appy for TCC Foundation scholarships. That's money for college that doesn't have to be paid back! 

Jan. 1 - March 31