Events & Activities
From the Office of Student Engagement
Welcome to Winter Quarter at TCC!
We're so excited for winter quarter at TCC, and the Office of Student Engagement has all kinds of opportunities for students to make the most of it.
Join a club! Join the ASTCC Student Senate! Go to a free movie screening or a karaoke night! OSE is planning lots of activities for winter quarter.
Find Winter Quarter Events!
There are so many ways to get involved at TCC. Check the fall quarter OSE Calendar for student events!
Upcoming Events
TCC Foundation Scholarships Workshop
March 8, 1 - 3 p.m. online
If you plan to be at TCC next year, we encourage you to apply for TCC Foundation Scholarships! Need help with the application? Join an online workshop.
Connect with us!
Titan Today
Visit Titan Today for activities, contests, and news that affects TCC students!
Go to Titan TodayStudent Enagement is on Instagram! Visit their page -- tcc.campuslife -- for updates from OSE leadership, contests, and more!
Student Engagement on InstagramStudent Engagement is on Twitter! Visit their feed -- @studentlifetcc -- for updates from OSE leadership, contests, and more!
Student Engagement on Twitter